How to Choose the Best Finish for Your Display

retail display rack with metal powder coat finish and peg boardChoosing the best finish for your point of sale display comes down to one simple question:

What invites the customer to interact with your product?

After all, a purchase involves much more than merely seeing your product—it has to create an emotional connection with the consumer. This is the key to customer loyalty. A finish that complements your product will separate it from your competitors.

To gain perspective on how the right finish can draw attention to your product, let’s take a brief, imaginary tour of a major retailer like Wal-Mart. McIntyre Manufacturing can create POP displays for anything from power tools to sunscreen, and “big box” stores feature a similar variety of merchandise. Because so many products are competing with each other for the customer’s attention, it’s even more important for the finish of the display to spark an emotional connection with the consumer.

Now, follow us as we approach the store and open the door…

1. Attention

Soft fabrics such as sweaters are presented neatly on a table where you can easily pick one up and touch it.

Perhaps in the corner, in a display of complementary colors, there’s a line of bath spa products, presented in a bamboo-accented POP display. If you visit the home improvement area, you have extensive samples of paint “swatches” where you can easily pick them up for closer examination.

2. Initial impression

All these finishes work together to create an initial impression of each product.

  • The sweaters invite you to touch them, implying that the manufacturer has confidence in its product and welcomes closer inspection.
  • Natural finishes such as bamboo create an Eastern, holistic theme of relaxation—you’re likely tempted to smell one of the bath soaps.
  • Convenient paint swatches on “take home” paper encourages customers to interact with their product, perhaps seeing which combination of colors works best for a room renovation.

3. Interaction and engagement

engaging retail display with hanging products from hooks interactiveWe already mentioned the sweaters. One of the facets that make them so inviting is that the display doesn’t compete with the product. Shelves that poke out at sharp angles and a rough finish like wrinkles or hammertone wouldn’t be appropriate. Instead, the display encourages customer interaction.

Likewise, a display featuring power tools will want a finish that evokes a feeling of strength and durability. Often, a silver, metallic surface conveys this message.

There are several facets involved in selecting what’s right for your wire display rack or other display. We’ve boiled them down to four simple questions that will point you in the right direction.

What message is your product promising?

For tools and products that will undergo extreme wear-and-tear, you should likewise present a strong, smooth, sleek finish. Metal or wire customized to match the color of your logo can be an excellent choice.

By contrast, microfiber cloths beg for customers to touch them, but that message is diminished if you’re using a harsh finish.

Revisit your product’s tagline and pledge to its customers. Boil it down into one simple principle, and seek out finishes that will reinforce that.

Where will your POP display be located?

The last thing you want is for your display to be lost in its surroundings. Likewise, you don’t want it to stand out so much that it appears tacky and unprofessional.

We realize there’s always a fine line between artistry and innovation, and that’s why McIntyre Manufacturing works with clients every day to find the perfect balance to transform your vision into reality.

Our professional engineers have the technical know-how and inspired creativity that sets us apart from other manufacturers.

Does the finish encourage your customers to engage with your product?

outdoor wood and metal retail pop sales rack painted green with logo and graphicsThe mantra of “look, but don’t touch” doesn’t resonate well with customers. Depending upon your product, it may be advantageous to encourage customers to pick it up and feel it. The finish of your display can go a long way toward this goal. Don’t forget– you can even use floor decals to present the illusion of a surface such as water or wood.

If you want your customers to pick up and examine a project, such as a power tool, make sure the finish makes it easy to do so. No one wants to approach something that looks prickly with sharp edges!

When your customer engages with your product, it increases the likelihood of a purchase.

What type of finish should you use for your POP display?

It depends. There’s no one-size fits all, and we’ve worked with thousands of retail manufacturers to tailor a display to fit their needs and budget.

Regardless of the finish you select, make sure it does the following:

  • Reinforces your brand
  • Complements, not overwhelms, your product
  • Works effectively with its environment
  • Invites customer interaction
  • Serves as a source of pride and professionalism

Of course, the complexities of deciding upon a finish is much more in-depth than these four questions. There are several subtleties that can affect your message that you may not have considered. Contact us for a quote on how we can help you.

Since 1977, McIntyre Manufacturing Group has created custom-designed displays with an uncompromised dedication to customer service. We utilize the latest technology and attention to detail to create the finest products with excellent craftsmanship. If you can dream it, we can create it. Contact us to see how we can bring your vision to life.