Why You Should Include Your POP Display in Retail Promotions

Discounts, special offers, two-for-one deals: Shoppers find it hard to resist a good bargain.

Periodic retail promotions allow you to capture the attention of new customers; they also provide an opportunity to reward loyal customers and promote your brand on social media – both excellent means of ensuring customer retention.

When planning your next retail promotion, don’t overlook the value that your POP display can bring. When implemented correctly, point-of-purchase creations dovetail support your brand messaging and attract new customers. We’ve compiled some reasons why your POP display should always be front and center of any retail promotion that your business offers.

Reasons Your POP Display Should be the Center of Your Retail Promotion

Custom POP displays provide an easy, efficient way for your customers to process information.

By presenting a clear message, your POP display eliminates confusion, enabling your customers to understand exactly what is on sale, what the value of that special is and how to take advantage of these savings. Make sure:

  • The text on your POP display is easy to read; legibility should outweigh aesthetics in choosing fonts.
  • You utilize enticing colors that complement your logo.
  • Your POP display is strategically placed so shoppers can compare your sale to those of other brands.


Present a unified message.

Did you run a TV ad promoting your offer? Or perhaps it’s featured in the special handout the store provides consumers when they walk in the door?

Remember that the POP display is just one element of creating a unified message. Success is not dependent upon one item alone, but rather is a result of all these items working in concert together. By replicating or complementing the messaging and design of your fliers, sales sheets or television advertisements, you make it easier for potential customers to recognize your brand and your promotion.


Reduce your reliance on sales people.

Retail employees may or may not have the correct sale information to convey verbally to customers; while you can hope they are prepared to educate consumers and reinforce your brand message, you shouldn’t rely on that. But you can rely on your POP display! It will ensure a consistent message – in conjunction with knowledgeable sale staff or in the absence of them.


Keep your display from becoming invisible.

If you don’t change your retail pop display every so often, consumers ultimately stop noticing it. In advertising, this is referred to as a “stale ad scent.” To keep your ad creative fresh, create unique POP displays for promoting your sales.


Capitalize on up-sell and cross-selling opportunities.

The chance of up-selling to a new customer is somewhere between 5 and 20 percent. Success in up-selling (and cross selling) to new customers rests in the ability of the POP display to adequately provide enough education to help the customer realize that an upgrade is in his or her best interest. See our previous blog on this topic for more ideas on how POP displays encourage your buyers to think bigger and better.


Create a perfect opportunity for interactive product demonstrations.

Certainly, the roasted pork tenderloin looks good, but how does it taste? The latest video game console appears to be sleek and sophisticated, but how do the controls feel in your hand? There’s no substitute for actually holding the control or tasting that pork tenderloin.

Specials and POP displays provide a chance for customers to interact with your product. This appeals to the basics of retail consumer psychology. Consumers are motivated by an emotional connection to your product, and to do so, they must engage with your product.


Let us help you promote your latest retail promotion.

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Of course, the best POP display in the world is useless unless it’s delivered on time and within budget for your retail promotions. We stand behind our craftsmanship, and not only do we provide warehousing and deliver services, but we’re often able to help you find more economical ways to complete your product.

We’d love to talk to you about your latest project. Contact us to see how McIntyre Manufacturing can make a difference.

Since 1977, McIntyre Manufacturing Group has created custom-designed displays with an uncompromised dedication to customer service. We utilize the latest technology and attention to detail to create the finest products with excellent craftsmanship. If you can dream it, we can create it. Contact us to see how we can bring your vision to life.


Small Business Chronicle. “What is the Purpose of Point of Purchase Marketing?”